There is a tiny noise in my head
It is coming from a long way
It is dead.
It is a collection of recollections
Bits and pieces of a past
Assembled in one spot in my mind
Bits and pieces of a present past
That have not spend enough time in my brain
To allow for their fermentation
And fragmentation into memories
Shall they become memories,
I would be able to visualize them
Draw pictures of an altered past
That puts on a new dress, in my head
Shall they become memories,
They would become part of me
They would experience the present
And get nostalgic and make me cry
But they are not memories
They are just a noise
A tiny noise
Tomorrow, it will go away
"pig correspondence", A New Collection of Poems
Here at Lulu our Nickel Hole Press have just published *pig correspondence*,
a book of poems from a few years ago. This will be on Amazon in a few
weeks. ...
4 years ago