Thursday, 22 October 2009

Injurious Items*

We sat under rainy skies
Watched a cockroach dying
Everything about her inspires me
Her words of reason
As much as her nonsense

Her philosophical attempts
Centered on the movements
Of the dying cockroach
Trying to decipher its existence
Beyond the raindrops and time

Her ambitious endeavors
In trying to fit in a world
Where her uniqueness is not sought after
Where commercialism takes over
Shimmering minds like hers

As I sit unaccompanied today
And reflect back on the days
I got to be her shadow
Listening to her words of acumen
Living through both her harsh and blissful realities
Feeding on her aspirations
Longing for their happening
As if they were my own
I throw to her side a handful of craving
To get the best out of life -

Not a single creature
Deserves what I wish for her to earn.

Painting by Christel Daccache - the inspiration behind this piece and many other aspects of my existence*

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