Friday, 5 February 2010

Undesirable reminiscences.

We spend our lifetime accommodating to the loss
It could be the death of someone special, or possibly a dog
The failure in a career or the ridiculousness to maintain a social life
The breakup of a long flourished relationship
That we thought was going to last
The death of a nation – or a flag
Any loss

At times, I think we should bow to the magnificent creation
Called forgetting
If the human mind, was able to remember all the single details
Feelings, events, sparks and disappointments
We will be rotting in our memories, forgetting that ahead of us
Lays a new unexplored horizon of many more fights to overcome

If we are trapped in our disappointing memories
Will we ever be able to live?


Michael Solender said...

Raw and powerful. btw congrats on your lovely pieces up at Danse Macabre. you are a rising star!

Anonymous said...

the past does not exist
and neither does the future,
we are only now.
