Sunday, 21 February 2010

i stopped writing

until further emotions
reveal otherwise


Michael Solender said...

snap out of it!

Sir Black said...

hmm... yes I support Michael, snap out of it and QUICK :P

Innate_Inanenuss said...

Dear Angel, I hope it's not for the same reasons I stopped writing for. 'Cos I will get back to writing again...hehehe..oh wait!! then I hope it's for the same reasons...hehe if you can deal with them cos I want to feel you presence again...

Hey, btw...I didn't stop writing..I just changed the venue u know?!! as I still write but in my notebooks now...I'll get back to bloggin again soon...I have loads to say...hope you too manage to share with us some of ur verbal beauty...Be well.


Michael Solender said...

get off your butt and write something. time for pouting is over.